天津大学机械学院研讨生导师简介-康荣杰 – 天津大学师资导…(天津大学机械学院历任院长)

2024年 6月 25日 作者 gong2022 0

名字(中文/汉语拼音)康荣杰职称副教授职务专业机械电子工程地址系、所现代机构学与机器人学中心通讯地址电子信箱rjkang@tju.edu.cn单位电话**传真首要学历:2004.9 – 2009.6,北京航空航天大学主动化科学与电气工程学院,机械电子工程专业工学博士2000.9 – 2004.7,北京航空航天大学主动化科学与电气工程学院,主动化科学与电气工程专业,工学学士 首要学术阅历:2013至今,天津大学机械工程学院,副教授2010-2013,意大利理工

学院 机器人研讨中心 (department of advanced robotics, italian institute of technology,iit),博士后研讨员2009.9 -2010.8,法国 机械力学学院工程力学研讨中心 (laboratoire de mécanique et ingénieries, institut fran?ais de mécanique avancée,ifma) , 博士后研讨员2007.10 – 2008.4,法国国家科学与使用学院图卢兹校区(institut national des sciences appliquees de toulouse),机械工程专业,国家公派博士生联合培育 首要研讨方向: 机器人体系,智能仿活力器人,接连型机器人,机电一体化,流体传动与控制 首要学术兼职:ieee协会会员,世界期刊 ieee/asme transactions on mechatronics、asme ournal of mechanism and robotcs、robotica 审稿人,世界机器人界顶级会议icra、iros审稿人。 首要学术作用、奖赏及荣誉:我国航空学会科学技能前进二等奖(排名第9),项目称号:飞翔器刹车体系半什物仿真平台,2009. 首要科研项目及人物:柔性接连型仿活力器人驱动机理与控制办法研讨,国家天然基金面上项目(no. **), 80万,2014.1-2021.12,项目担任人。 代表性论著:[1]r. kang, d. branson, t.zheng, e. guglielmino and d. caldwell, “design, modeling and control of a pneumatically actuated manipulator inspired by biological continuum structures”,bioinspiration&biomimetics, 8: 036008, 2013.(sci)[2]k. nakajima, h. hauser, r. kang, e. guglielmino, d. caldwell and r. pfeifer, “a soft body as a reservoir: case studies in a dynamic model of octopus-inspired soft robotic arm”, frontiers in computational neuroscience, 7:91, 2013. (sci)[3]t. zheng, d. t. branson, e. guglielmino, r. kang, g. a. cerda, m. cianchetti, m. follador, i. s. godage, d. g. caldwell. “comparison of an octopus inspired continuum arm model and prototype for use in underwater robots”, transactions of theasme:journal of mechanisms androbotics, 5(2): 021004-1, 2013. (sci)[4]r. kang, d. t. branson, e. guglielmino, d. g. caldwell. “dynamic modeling and control of an octopus inspired multiple continuum arm robot”, computers & mathematics with applications, 64: 1004-1016, 2012. (sci)[5]r. kang, h. chanal, t. bonnemains, s. pateloup, d. branson, p. ray.“learning the forward kinematics behavior of a hybrid robot employing artificial neural networks”, robotica, 30(5): 847-855, 2012. (sci)[6]r. kang, z. jiao, s. wang.“design and simulation of electro-hydrostatic actuator with a built-in power regulator”, chinese journal of aeronautics, 22(6): 700-706, 2009. (sci)[7]康荣杰,焦宗夏,j. c. mare,尚耀星,吴帅. 电动态液作动器非线性框图建模与鲁棒控制办法,航空学报, 30(3): 518-525, 2009. (ei)[8]康荣杰,陈丽莎,焦宗夏. 根据能量调度器的电动态液作动器方案与仿真,北京航空航天大学学报,36(1): 18-21, 2010. (ei)[9]吴帅,康荣杰,俞军涛,焦宗夏.vcm-ddv建模与控制仿真,北京航空航天大学学报,36 (3):342-345, 2010. (ei)[10]岳荣刚, 王少萍, 焦宗夏, 康荣杰. 一种新式轮爪式车轮方案与功能仿真, 北京航空航天大学学报, 33(12): 1408-1411, 2007. (ei)[11]r. kang, e. guglielmino, d. t. branson, d. g. caldwell, kinematic model and inverse control for continuum manipulators, 10th ieee international conference on control & automation (icca2013), pp. 1615-1620,12-14th, june, hangzhou, china, 2013.(ei)[12]r. kang, e. guglielmino, d. t. branson, d. g. caldwell, “bio-inspired crawling locomotion of a multi-arm octopus-like continuum system”, ieee/rsj international conference on intelligent robots and systems, pp.145-150, 7-12th october, vilamoura, portugal, 2012. (ei)[13]r. kang, a.kazakidi, e. guglielmino, d. t. branson, d. p. tsakiris, j. a. ekaterinaris, d. g. caldwell.“dynamic model of a hyper-redundant, octopus-like manipulator for underwater applications”, ieee/rsj international conference on intelligent robots and systems, pp.4054-4059, san francisco, usa, 2011. (ei)[14]r. kang,z. jiao, s. wu, y. shang, j. c. mare. “the nonlinear accuracy model of electro-hydrostatic actuator”, proceedings of the 3rd ieee international conference on robotics automation and mechatronics, pp. 107-111, chengdu, china, 2008. (ei)[15]d. t. branson, r. kang, e. guglielmino, d. g. caldwell. “control architecture for robots with continuum arms inspired by octopus vulgaris neurophysiology”, ieee international conference on robotics and automation, pp. 5283-5288, st.paul, minnesota, usa, 2012. (ei)[16]j.kuwabara, k. nakajima, r. kang, d. t. branson, e. guglielmino, d. g. caldwell, r. pfeifer. “timing-based control via echo state network for soft robotic arm”, ieee-inns international joint conference on neural networks, pp. 2943-2950, brisbane australia, 2012. (ei)[17]s. wu, r. burton, z. jiao, j. yu, r. kang. “feasibility study on the use of a voice coil motor direct drive flow rate control valve”, proceedings of the asme dynamic systems and control conference, part a, pp. 621-628, hollywood, united states, 2009.(ei)