
2024年 2月 21日 作者 gong2022 0



打卡领奖 | 《经济学人》读译参阅 day1587
打卡领奖 | 《经济学人》读译参阅 day1588


text 1589



dong mingzhu is the most visible face of female enterprise in china.the 64- year-old boss of gree, the world’s biggest maker of air-conditioners, is everywhere:in television ads, on billboards and, last year, in two places at once—jaywalking in the city of ningbo while at gree’s headquarters in zhuhai (police cameras mistakenly captured her visage plastered on a bus).ms dong joined gree as a door-to-door saleswoman in 1990, as a widow with an eight-year-old son.in 2012 she became its chairwoman. although gree has state roots, ms dong acts like a high-profile entrepreneur.her life was the subject of a tv drama, and she has written two popular memoirs.her steely, unglamorous image (a confessed penchant for skirts notwithstand

ing) inspires young women.




matters of gender bore her. asked about her rise in a country run by men, she responds: “men or women, few are up to the challenge.”that may be so. but ms dong represents a generation of chinese women who have climbed higher than their sisters in south korea or japan.fully 51 of the 89 self-made female billionaires on this year’s hurun rich list, a who’s who of the ultra-wealthy, are chinese—well above china’s 20% share of the world’s women. relative to population (one for every 13.4m chinese females),that is not far off america’s tally of 18 (one for every 9.1m). south korea has one, yoo jung-hyun of nexon, a gaming giant.




japan has none (forbes reckons that yoshiko shinohara, who founded a temporary-staffing agency, became the first in 2021, aged 82).china’s include wu yajun, a property mogul with a $10bn fortune;cheng xue of foshan haitian flavouring & food company, known as “the soy-sauce queen”;and li haiyan and shu ping, co-founders of haidilao, a chain of hotpot restaurants.ms dong, with a net worth of 3bn yuan ($440m), does not make hurun’s list.why have they done so well?


日本没有(根据《福布斯》,人才差遣公司创始人82岁的筱原欣子在2021年变成日本首位赤手发家的女人亿万富豪)。我国上榜的有地产大亨吴亚军,资产价值100亿美元;佛山市 调味食物股份有限公司的“酱油皇后”程雪;以及连锁火锅店海底捞联合创始人李海燕和舒萍。具有净资产30亿公民币(4.4亿美元)的董明珠没有上榜。为啥她们做得这么好?