
2023年 12月 8日 作者 gong2022 0


万学 黄侃

2021考研英语已在2021年12月23日17:00落下帷幕,下面咱们以阅览第二篇为例,深度解析考研试题不一样考点的解题思路。第二篇阅览节选自2021年4月30日the christian science monitor《基督教科学告诫报》的谈论,文章原标题为a rise in critical skills for sharing news online.(https://www.csmonitor.com/commentary/the-monitors-view/2021/0430/a-rise-in-critical-skills-for-sharing-news-online),就体裁来说归于社会日子类,首要内容是交际媒体信息的不可以靠性以及年青一代的情绪及对策。

文章五道考题中一道推理题,一道猜词题,一道例子题,一道细节题,一道主旨题,是对各个题型的全部查询。所以咱们以此为例,别离收拾一下各个题型的解题思路。 首要是第26题:according to the paragraphs 1 and 2, many young americans cast doubt on_________.

[a] the justification of the news-filtering practice.

[b] people’s preference for social media platforms.

[c] the administration’s ability to handle information.

[d] social media was a reliable source of news.

此题根据题干,可以看出是双段推理题,查询考生对双段推理题的解题思路。一般来说,双段推理优先思考双段主旨。第一段中心为最终一句话:millennials prefer news from the white house to be filtered through other sources, not a president’s social media platform。“千禧一代喜爱白宫直接发布的消息…而非总统交际媒体发布的信息”,阐明他们不太信赖交际媒体。第2段中心为第二句转机之后,阐明关于交际媒体的不信赖上升。故双段中心都和他们不信赖交际媒体有关。联系以上信息,得出交际媒体信息不可以靠,选择d social media as a reliable source of news. 所以期望我们今后遇到此类标题,也可以依照相同的解题思路,快速解分出答案。

第27题:the phrase “beef up”(line 2, para. 2) is closest in meaning to_________.

[a] sharpen [b] define [c] boast [d] share

此题查询词汇释义。之前给我们体系收拾过词汇释义题的解题方法,其间有很重要的解题思路:情感法,即使用语句地址的情感颜色来进行判别,而本题就是用这一思路进行解题的。首要,根据标题定位到第2段第2句:yet as distrust has risen toward all media,people may be starting to beef up their media literacy skills。语句的情感颜色判别,因为逗号条件到“我们关于一切媒体的不信赖添加”,可以推知我们大约初步增强其媒体识读的技能,故选a


第28题:according to the knight foundation survey, young people

[a] tend to voice their opinions in cyberspace.

[b] verify news by referring to diverse resources.

[c] have strong sense of responsibility.

[d] like to exchange views on “distributed trust”

此题是典范子明题。例子题直接查询观念和论据的联络,论据所证明的观念一般位于论据之前。就本题而言,根据题干定位至第三段第二句话,故答案地址的观念大约位于第一句话“young people who are digital natives are indeed becoming more skillful at seperating fact from fiction in cyberspace.” 阐明答案大约是“年青人更简略把网络中的实际和虚伪信息区别开来”,故选择b verify news by referring to diverse sources. “验证新闻的真伪”。运用“止境选项匹配原则”在论据中去验证,论据中说到“verify stories”, “cross check sources”和“prefer news from different perspectives”,与选项内信息逐个对应。

第29题:the barna survey found that a main cause for the fake news problem is

[a] reader’s outdated values.

[b] journalist’s biased reporting

[c] reader’s misinterpretation

[d] journalist’s made-up stories.

此题为实际细节题。细节题一般是直接根据题干要害词,回文精断定位,定位句的剩下信息即为答案的内容。就本题而言,根据题干定位至第五段第三句found之后a main reason对应the top reason,而原文剩下信息为“reader error”, 所以大约和读者有关,可打扫b、d。error大约对应misinterpretation, 故答案为c readers’ misinterpretation。若本句不清楚,下句进一步阐明答案的内容,文中misintepretation or exerggeration of actual news进一步印证c readers’ misinterpretation 为正确答案。

第30题:which of the following would be the best title for the text?

[a] a rise in critical skills for sharing news online

[b] a counteraction against the over-tweeting trend

[c] the accumulation of mutual trust on social media.

[d] the platforms for projection of personal interests.

此题需要考生了解全文主旨。全文主旨题的解题思路之前课程上有过具体的收拾,共有七种办法,本篇文章考到了其间的一种办法:篇首转机,二段转机之后为全文主旨。yet之后说道:“yet as distrust has risen toward all media, people may be strarting to beef up their media literacy skills”.“跟着关于一切媒体不信赖的上升,我们初步增强其媒体识读的技能”,故答案为a。为了验证,可以看篇末,篇末重申主题,so之后讲道“so when young people are critical of an over-tweeting president, they reaveal a mental discipline in thinking skills-and in their choices on when to share on social media.” 更进一步阐明和我们批判性看待交际媒体上的新闻有关。所以选择a:a rise in critical skills for sharing news online





