
2024年 2月 10日 作者 gong2022 0


japanese people may have gained longevity by balancing their diets
tanaka kane is one of humanity’s great outliers. on january 2nd she became the third

person ever to turn 118, according to the gerontology research group, a team of academics. she is also the first citizen of japan to reach 118—but is unlikely to be the last. the country has the world’s longest life expectancy, and 80,000 centenarians. mrs tanaka is an outlier for another reason, too. she claims to love chocolate and fizzy drinks, setting her apart from most of her compatriots. japan has long had one of the lowest sugar-consumption rates in the oecd, a club of mainly wealthy countries.
the unusual longevity enjoyed in japan is often credited to diet. yet the idea that the country has extended lifespans by entirely avoiding the west’s sinful culinary delights may be too simple. in fact, recent studies imply that one key to its success may be that its people’s diets have shifted over time towards western eating patterns.
japan was not always a longevity champion. in 1970 its age-adjusted mortality rates were average for the oecd. although its levels of cancer and heart disease were relatively low, it also had the oecd’s highest frequency of cerebrovascular deaths, caused by blood failing to reach the brain. in 1970-90, however, japan’s cerebrovascular mortality rate fell towards the oecd average. with world-beating numbers on heart disease and fewer strokes, japan soared up the longevity league table.
日本并非一向都是龟龄冠军。1970年,其年纪标化后的去世率为经合组织的均匀水平。尽管日本患癌症和心脏病水平相对较低,但它的脑血管去世率(脑内供血缺乏致使)在经合组织中是最高的。可是,在1970- 1990年,日本的脑血管去世率降低到了经合组织的均匀水平。日本患心脏病和中风的数字之低令世界惊叹,因而在龟龄排行榜上排名飙升。

longevity/l??n?d?ev?ti/ n.龟龄,龟龄;寿数;

diet /?da??t/ n.往常饮食;

humanity/hju??m?n?ti/ n.(总称)人;人类;

outlier/?a?tla??r/ n.脱离主体的人(或物);

turn/t??rn/ vt.抵达 (必定的年纪或时刻);

gerontology/?d?er?n?tɑ?l?d?i/ n.晚年医学;

academic/??k??dem?k/ n.专家;

life expectancy 预期寿数;

centenarian/?sent??neri?n/ n.百岁老人;

fizzy drink 起泡饮料,碳酸饮料;

set sb. apart 把……差异开来;

compatriot/k?m?pe?tri?t/ n.同胞;

long/l???/ adv.耐久地,耐久地;

sugar-consumption 糖耗费;

oecd abbr.经济协作与打开组织,简称经合组织;

enjoylongevity 龟龄;

be credited to 把……归功于;

yet/jet/ conj.可是;可是;

sinful/?s?nfl/ adj.有罪的;

culinary/?k?l?neri/ adj.烹饪的;食物的;

shift/??ft/ v.略微改动;

eating pattern 饮食方法,饮食习气;

champion/?t??mpi?n/ n.冠军;

age-adjusted 年纪标化;

mortality rate 去世率;

heart disease 心脏病;

relatively/?rel?t?vli/ adv.相对地;

frequency/?fri?kw?nsi/ n.频率;

cerebrovascular/?ser?bro??v?skj?l?r/ adj.脑血管的;

world-beating adj.世界一流的,独一无二的;

stroke/stro?k/ n.中风;

soar up 升高,飙升;

league table 排名榜,竞赛名次表;

文本选自:the economist(经济学人)作者:unknown原文发布时刻:16 jan. 2021
all things are difficult before they are easy.