
2024年 2月 5日 作者 gong2022 0


  this picture is simple but significant. as is vividly shown in the picture, wearing traditional chinese costume, a foreigner is saying “happy new year” to a chinese girl in chinese, even though his pronunciation is not accurate enough. there is no doubt that the picture implies that a growing number of foreigners are starting to be interested in chinese culture in this day and age.
  why should this phenomenon take placethere are generally three factors accounting for it. first of all, due to the fast economic and social development, the world is becoming smaller and smaller. accordingly, international cultural exchange is becoming increasingly frequent. besides, learning traditional chinese culture, which is priceless spiritual treasure, can give those foreign friends a new perspective of the outside world. last but not least, this kind of cultural exchange is beneficial for both our chinese and foreign friends to broaden our horizons, widen our knowledge, and eich our experience.
  from what has been discussed above, we may come to a conclusion that our traditional culture is popular among the whole world and should be preserved and cherished. therefore, the mass media, such as television, radio and internet should try best to propaganda and advocate it. as for ourselves, we should cultivate the awareness of learning national culture. only in this way can we have opportunities to expect a more vigorous and prosperous world to come.


  respected professors, good afternoon! im great honored to meet you here. im xxx, 26 years old, born in xxx city, henan province. in year 1996, i entered xxx university, majoring in machincal designing and producing. during those 4 yearsstudy, i worked hard and i was always active invarious activities. i gained the first scholarship for four times and i joined the communist party at the college.
  after my graduation in june 2000, i worked in xxx company. i gota position in the technology department the first year and i was involved inseveral internet projects,such as the one for college student recruitment in henan province and the one for computer center in mathmatics department in zhengzhou university.
  owning to my hard work, i was rewarded the best newcomer prize in the year 2000. the next year, i was transferred into the principal customer department, responsible for the developing and strengthening a good relationship between the principal customers and my company. two major customers, henan provincipal department of transportation and henan provincial department of personnel, are under my work.
  however, with time going on, the more i experienced, the clearer i realized that im really interested in the enterprise management. i find many enterprises have the problem of an unmatched management to its developingspeed. im eager to learn more about management and i hope i can study further in this university. so i resigned in august, 20xx and started the way to pursuing my studies. after about half years hard work, im finally standing before you honorable professors now. im really excited.
  though ive sacrificed much on my way to pusuing studies, i believe its worthwhile. i believe working hard will finally be repaied. thank you !


  good morning, everyone! i am glad to be here for this interview. first, let me introduce myself to you. my name is qin jiayin. i was born on april 23, 1981. i am a local person.i am graduating from jilin normal university this june. i major in chinese literature. i hope i could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses in jilin university which i have desired for a long time.
  i have the confidence because i have such ability! i am a girl who is fervent, outgoing and creative. at the same time, i think i am quick in mind and careful in everything. i am looking forward to my postgraduate studies and life. i will soon prove that your decision of choosing me is the wisest. thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity!




  as shown in the picture, a young woman is working at home. in a society where internet is widely used, the phenomenon is hardly surprising. by allowing employees to work at home, employers can widen the base from which they recruit and boost the chances of
  capitalising on rich human capital. for instance, parents with childcare responsibilities and those with disabilities prefer to work at home.
  distance between their work place and their place of residence has never ceased to be a problem. home working enables working people to perform their jobs at ease, and thus gives employers more options in human resource use.
  apart from those benefits, home working might have its drawbacks. working at home deprives the employees of face to face communication with others, which is disadvantageous in social life. in addition, once any problem in work arises, its impossible to discuss it with others immediately. in that case, home working can be very difficult and frustrating.
  therefore, i have to say that telecommuting job, like a coin, has two sides. it can provide convenience and satisfaction, but it may bring problems and trouble as well. hence, home working has a long way to go to become popular.



  the two pictures illustrate vividly ……. in the left picture ……,while in the right …….

  from the two pictures we can sense a crazy tendency of ……. aside from ……,another telling example is ……,which was so successful in that ……. the pictures also make it obvious that we should …….

  admittedly,it is natural that ……. nevertheless,it is the responsibility of our government and society to ……. in my opinion,what’s the more important is to ……. in short,…….


  it goes without saying that this picture aims at revealing a current problem; ……. in this drawing,even ……..

  it seems to me that the artist is sending a message about the importance of ……. though the drawing is a little exaggerating,it is not rare for us to find in ……. if we let this situation of continues,it not only harms ……,but also prevents …….

  accordingly,we urgently call for ……. though the government has already taken pains to implement regulations,it still failz to ……. in my opinion,this problem should be urgently solved so as to protect benefits. i expect the government will put forward more effective propositions as soon as possible.


  the cartoon reveals a very thought-provoking scene. the artist purposefully exaggerates…… . this picture reveals the in-depth problem of…… .

  in fact,…… . there are two reasons for this. the first and perhaps most important is that…… . the other reason is more serious from a practical point of view.…… . it owes to…… .

  in my point of view, the trend goes quite against the genuine and original purpose of our…… . what i want to emphasize by the above analysis is that,…… . therefore,…… i strongly contend that…… .


  there is a popular chinese song, named "…… ", which encourages…… . however, the in the picture does but for a very different reason—…… . from the facial expression of we can read…… .

  sadly as it is, this phenomenon does not occur rarely in today .

  the above analysis is best exemplified by…… . in my opinion, the awareness of is elementary for paving the way towards success.


  as the old chinese saying goes,…… . it echoes with this picture in which…… . the title of the picture further points out that…… .

  the picture is meant to…… . as far as i am concerned, i think…… . this universal truth can be particularly proved in the field of…… , where…… .

  a brief survey of history about also demonstrates the fundamental importance of…… .…… , for example,…… . the same principle applies to common people as well, and i am sure everybody can benefit from…… .


  from the picture we can perceive that…… . what astonishes the drawing and the readers is that…… . it is known to all that…… , but it seems…… .

  the artist utilizes this artistic presentation to imply a spreading vogue that…… . ultimately, the trend boils down to…… . accordingly,…… . to worsen the problem, this behavior is evoking…… .

  in my point of view, we are in a prime time to curb the problem from deteriorating. first and foremost, the whole society should arrive at the consensus that…… . besides, an awareness of should be infused into everybodys mind.


  it is a very eye-catching photo in which…… . what makes this picture extraordinary is ……, which clearly indicates…… .

  the sense of that permeates this picture is representative of…… , that is,…… , and therefore,…… . china, in particular,…… . the effect of such communication can be best exemplified by …….

  while people belong to nations, cultures know no boundary. ……is not only featured by…… ,but more importantly, by…… . i firmly believe that is contributing, and will contribute more to the world’s peace, development, and prosperity.


  what is presented here is a very interesting scenario…… . from the subtitle we can infer that…… . conspicuously,…… .

  we can deduce from the picture that…… . it partly owes to…… , and partly to…… . except the case reflected in the picture, there are numerous evidence demonstrating…… . for example,…… .

  from a personal point of view, i am delighted to witness ……. to sum up,…… . as for china,…… . therefore,……. i can firmly conclude that in the long run, cultural exchanges will contribute to a flourishing chinese and global economy, as well as diversified cultures.


  as the title indicates, “…… ”, the set of pictures apparently reminds us that…… . it is discernable that…… .

  the drawing virtually reminds its audience a widespread phenomenon existing negatively in the area of basic education in china, that is,…… . that is to say,…… . such a practice is very harmful in terms of the following aspects.firstly,…… . secondly,…… . last but not the least,…… .

  in my point of view,…… , but it is only part of the picture. on the other hand,…… . therefore, it is an urgent task to…… . as children are the future of our nation, creating a good environment for their upbringing means creating a bright and promising future for our nation.


  the picture shows…… . symbolizes…… . as is quoted in the picture,…… .

  it apparently mirrors an increasingly common social phenomenon in china— in contrast with…… . one the one hand, the problem partially attributes to…… . sometimes…… . on the other hand,…… . for example,…… ,while…… .

  in my opinion, the government needs to launch a reform in the education system with measures that can show immediate effect. proves to be most beneficial to students. further, a large-scale reform in the macroeconomic level to is the basic solution of this issue.


  according to the two pictures presented, it can be observed that. in the left picture,…… . a the same time, as the right one shows. different people have different views on…… .

  some people support by claiming that…… . in their opinion,…… . in addition,…… . meanwhile, there are some people, especially young men, who…… . their reasons are quite different, sometimes for…… , sometimes for…… , sometimes simply for…… .

  in my point of view, both sides are partly right. to thoroughly analyze this problem, we should take into consideration of all relevant aspects, so as to make the right decision. therefore, my conclusion would be that…… .


  from the drawing, we can learn that…… . it can be seen easily that…… . we can deduce from that people’s opinion on vary from person to person.

  some people take it for granted that…… . for example, they firmly believe that…… . but they often neglect that fact that…… . yet there are also another group of people who hold a different point of view. they think that…… . beside,…… .

  personally, my attitude for this matter is positive, with reasons as follows. firstly,…… . moreover,…… . lastly,…… . therefore,…… .


  as is shown in the picture above,…… . obviously from we can surmise that …… .

  it goes without saying that the primary purpose of the picture lies in eulogizing the practice of …… . as a matter of fact, it is not rare to find in our everyday life deeds of similar nature.for instance,…… . additionally, we can also hear many stories about …… .not to mention those moving cases of …… .

  all in all, i firmly believe that a harmonious society is based on a …… . by ……, people not only harvest ……, but also gain that can never be purchased via money.


  just as is depicted in the picture. it is not difficult to find that in today’s society, more and more people begin to …… . it is rather good news to …… .

  the picture reminds us that in china, due to ,…… . moreover, there are …… .in addition, we should not forget …….

  ……is a good way to express human love. to some extent, it also reflects individuals .


  with the rapid advances of _____________ in recent years, ___has____________(引呈表象). however, _______ has________________, as____________(提出疑问). as a result, _____has ____________________(指出影响).  the effects ___________ has produced on____________ can be boiled down to two major ones.

  first , __________________(影响一). more importantly, ________________(影响二). hence, i believe that we will see a ____________(提出展望)/ nevertheless, i do not think we will see a ______(或不和展望)

  there are numerous reasons why ____, and i would like to explore a few of the most important ones here. the first is that the more(比照级)_____, the more (比照级). in addition, we all agree that________________________(第二个缘由)


  this illustration depicts_________ (图像中的人物)ving, with______________(弥补阐明). recently it has become common for people in many walks of life to_____________(进一步阐释)

  it seems to me that the cartoonist is sending a message about _______(图像主题), which is ______________(进一步的`阐明). he seems to be saying that_______________(给出细节). in my opinion, ___________(自个论说).

  this simple picture is a wake up call for ______(所涉集体,如the whole of the human race). therefore, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures to put an end to _____________(疑问地址). one the one hand, we must _________________(主张一). it is clear that the drawer of the illustration is urging us to _________(进一步阐明). on the other hand, ________________(主张二) only in this way can we___________(展望前景).


  the chart gives us an overall picture of the ____________(图表主题). the first thing we notice is that_______________(图表最大特征). this means that as __________, _________________(进一步阐明).

  we can see from the statistics given that _______________(图表细节一). after ving_________(细节一中的第一个改变), the _____ved+高低+时刻(紧跟着的改变). the figures also tells us that_________________________(图表细节二). (数据方位,如in the second column), we can see that ____________accounts for _______(进一步描绘).

  judging from these figures, we can draw the conclusion that___________(结论). the reason for this, as far as i am concerned is that_____________(给出缘由). / it is high time that we ved(宣告建议)


  例如,dear sir or madam 或许to whom it may concern (需留心每个单词首字母都大写)。
  例如,dear mr. xx,或dear ms.xx;
  3)关于联络较亲近的人可以直呼其名,即 dear xx。
  一起需要留心的是:1.称号要顶格写;2. 称号之后要加逗号或许冒号。这儿举荐我们用逗号,因为历年的高分范 是用逗号的。
  正文格局一般有两种格局:一是缩进式,即首段最初空四个字母,期间之间不空行; 另一种是齐头式,即每段最初不空格,可是各段之间空一行。**教师主张考生选用缩进式,因为假定用齐头式,段间空行的话很可以答题空间不可,致使字数不可。
  结语要留心要留出两行。一行是靠后写类似汉语此问候礼的话也就是sincerely yours, 或许yours sincerely ,必定要留心这个当地的结束是有逗号的,假定丢掉了逗号,则会扣掉一份,请我们必定要留心。一起,还需要留心落款,落款有些不能写自个的名字。依照directions 中的需求运用名字。一起请我们留心名字后边必定不要加任何的符号。许多的学生喜爱在此打点号,请我们必定要留心,这儿会被扣掉一分。



  ① 教师的语法课程( 教师的大众号里就可以获取,入门极好用)


  间隔17年考研还有30天支配的时刻,大有些学生初步焦虑严峻起来,感触各个类别温习得都不充分,就拿英语来说,同学们头疼的几个疑问是:单词还要不要持续背诵?阅览了解的正确率不平稳怎么办?用了写作模板会不会被判卷人发现然后分数会降低? 实际上,我们不必这么心慌,因为给每个考生剩下的时刻都是相同的,你的竞赛对手可以接见会面临跟你相同的疑问,在此要害期间、在有限的时刻里,如何有用地前进分数步崆最重要的,今日就向我们安利个办法,期望对同学们备考英语有所协助。
  1. 时刻组织
  2. 温习要点及战略
  3. 单词背诵




  最终,那些过于极点的一般不是答案,比方“will never” “at all” ”have no“这种极点表达。把自个愿望成作者和出题人,估测作者的心思和出题人的考点!千万不要对标题进行过多的自我估测。






  when my tenth birthday was coming up, i was happy imaging what kind of present my father would give me. to my surprise, father gave me a set of books, which i was not very glad to accept. he saw what i was thinking and said kindly: "dear, remember, books are the most precious fortune in the world, i am sure that once you finish reading the first book, you will be anxious to read the second one, then the third, the forth…" according to my fathers words, i have to give reading a try. and things really happened as he expected.
  books indeed exerted a strong influence on me. from then on, i stepped into a new and wonderful world that books spread open for me.




  in the pictures above are a father and her beloved son. in the left cartoon, smoking a cigarette and sitting in a sofa comfortably, the father is watching a football match on tv and shouting, “son, study hard for me!” on the contrary, in the left portrayal, at 9 p.m. , the father is studying together with his son, both totally absorbed in their books. the caption indicates, “instead of merely making a request, setting an example.”
  the purpose of the pictures is to show us that utmost significance should be attached to practicing what you preach. on the one hand, parents teach much more by their actions, than by their words. some of them may say to their children, “don’t say nasty things about so and so”, and then the children will hear them criticize their friends and neighbors. on the other hand, parenting is such a crucial responsibility, yet there are no required courses to prepare one to undertake this role in life. the only learning is the example from one’s own parents.
  to sum up, parents are the best teachers.
  obviously, if parents’ actions don’t conflict their own words, they would have the opportunity to be outstanding examples of their children. just as an old saying goes, “action speak louder than words.”


  after years of bitter struggles and numerous negotions,china,the economy of which is one of the worlds entry into the two brought with it challenges as well as opportunities.
  first of all,china is to enjoy the benefits that the organization provides us.lower tariffs and tax rates and fewer trade barriers will facilitate our swift and efficient imports and exports and other trade activities.according to the trade clauses of the wto,the european union shall cut down the tax rates it imposes on our exported textile products,thus availing the arts-and-crafts companies in our country to extract more profits from the business.in a sense ,the wto means opptunity,and it sets the stage for our business to cut a brilliant figure in the international economic circles.
  secondly, china shrewd and talented competors,or they will suffer big losses and tough time is awaiting them.we should brace for the challenges so as to take the initiative when competition is close at hand.
  in the final analysis,aboundant opportunities and stiff challenges goes hand in hand with each other along with chinas entry in the wto..we should make good use of the chances and meanwhile suitably deal with the outside competition,all our efforts are to upgrade our business scales and get more integrated into the international business community.


dear lily,
  last week, you said you propose to do a part-time job in the coming summer vacation. and now, here is a surprise for you.
  after having my dinner this noon, i found a notice posted on the billboard that a private english tutor is needed to guide the advertiser’s daughter though gre. i strongly recommended it to you, because i know you took and passed the test last year. this experience certainly has equipped you with the skills necessary to get through the test, not to mention your acknowledged proficient mastery of english. incidentally, the reward seems considerably handsome according to the notice. in short, i think no other part-time jobs will be better than this, and i hope you can take this opening into consideration.
  i’m looking forward to your reply.
  sincerely yours,
  li ming


  welcome to our university ! as a librarian, i would like to provide you with some detailed information about our library.
  the university library opens at 8 a.m. and closes at 10 p.m. from monday to friday, but from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on weekends. secondly, if you need to borrow books, bring your student card and register first at the librarian’s office. at most six books can be borrowed once from the library. but keep in mind that you can keep the books you borrow just one week. if you exceed the limited time, some fine should be paid.
  if you have any questions about borrowing or returning books, send an e-mail to ……. we sincerely hope you all enjoy the study and life in our university.
  li ming