
2024年 1月 11日 作者 gong2022 0

??do blind people dream?


blind people can and do dream, though their dreams can be somewhat different from those of sighted people.?the type of imagery a blind person has in their dreams can also vary, depending on when they lost their sight.


previously, it was widely believed that blind people didn’t dream visually.?in other words,?they didn’t “see” in their dreams if they’d lost their sight before a certain age.


but more recent research suggests people who are blind, from birth or otherwise, can still experience visual images in their dreams.?what do they dream about??consider some common types of dreams you have.


chances are they include a mix of strange thing

s that don’t make a ton of sense,?mundanethings that happen in your daily life, or potentially embarrassing scenarios.


blind people largely dream about the same things sighted people do.?can they see their dreams??research suggests blind people who lose their sight before the age of 5 usually don’t see images in their dreams.


according to this train of thought, the later in life a person loses their sight, the more likely they are to continue having visual dreams.


people with?congenital?blindness may also be more likely to experience dreams through taste, smell, sound, and touch, according to a 2014 study.?those who became blind later in life appeared to have more?tactile?(touch) sensations in their dreams.





mundane?[m?n?de?n] adj. 世俗的,平凡的;世界的

congenital?[k?n?d?en?tl] adj. 先天的;天赋的

tactile?[?t?ktl] adj. 触觉的;能触知的
