
2024年 1月 5日 作者 gong2022 0
根据普林斯顿大学(princeton university)研讨人员的研讨成果称,数百个世界顶级网站会守时寻找用户上网时每一次敲击鼠标,移动鼠标以及输入页面表格 – 甚至是在用户提交或撤消之前的操作,而且还有一个令人厌烦的副作用:当用户上网时,自个身份信息(例如医疗信息,密码和诺言卡概况)可以会露出,而用户却不晓得有网站会监控他们上网行为。 这大约提示任何关怀自个隐私的人在上网时他们可以会被某些网站监控。因而,协助用户控制他们在网站上同享自个信息对错常重要的。 可是越来越多的痕迹标明,这种可用性打败了旨在维护咱们的数据平安的平安办法。可是用户的网站领会并不是忍耐平安缝隙的托言。网站公司大约把要点放在维护网络平安的实践行为中,而非窃视网络用户的往常上网行为,而用户也要警惕网络风险,尽量削减在网络上的自个信息共享。
1214-考研同源外刊精析解读 · 语音说明
whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
how websites spy on you and ignore privacy settings

the research found that third party tracking services are used by hundreds of businesses to monitor how users navigate their websites.

while it’s not news that companies are monitoring our behavior as we surf the web, the fact that scripts are quietly being deployed to record individual browser sessions in this way has concerned the study’s co-author, steven englehardt, who is a phd candidate at princeton.

英文文本选自:how websites spy on you and ignore privacy settings,salon

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monitor英 [?m?nit?] 美 [?m?n?d?r]

    n.a television screen used to show particular kinds of information; a screen that shows informationfrom a computer闪现屏;监督器;(核算机)闪现器
    n.a piece of equipment used to check or record sth监控器;监测器
    n.a student in a school who performs special duties, such as helping the teacher 班长;级长
    n.a person whose job is to check that sth is done fairly and honestly, especially in a foreign country(尤指派往国外的)监督员,核对员
    n.a large tropical lizard巨蜥
    v.to watch and check sth over a period of time in order to see how it develops,

    so that you can makeany necessary changes监督;查看;跟踪查询
    v.to listen to telephone calls, foreign radio broadcasts, etc. in order to find out information thatmight be useful监听(电话、外国无线电播送等)

词根 moni-(警告)+词缀 -tor(某一类人,发扬某一功用的设备)→“监督器”的存在警醒你不要不守纪律,有人在看你;教师不能整天呆在教室里,得找个学生当个监督器啊,就是班长了。


    名词方法在16世纪40年代,最早意义为“(senior pupil at a school charged with keeping order, etc.) 班长,级长”。
    动词方法在1924,年,最早意义为, ” ( to check for quality” (originally especially of radio signals)查看,监察 ” , 引申自monitor (n.).


    monitor system 监控体系
    monitor performance 监控成果
    monitor standards 检测质量
    closely /carefully monitor 亲近监控/细心监管
    video monitor 视频监控器


    adj.monitorial 级长的,学生纠察的劝告者的(monitor(班长,级长)+-ial(…的)→级长的)
    monitored 监控的
    monitory 训诫的,(mon警告)
    n.monster 怪物 (mon警醒+ster(ed某类人后缀)→警醒你境况风险的东西的存在就是(传说中的)怪物)
    monition 劝告,警告,劝诫书;传票(mon警醒)
    moniter 监控仪,检测仪


    display, duty officer, inspector, observer, overseer “监督器”
    censor, check, examine, observe, supervise “查看”


    (2001,英一,翻译)there will be television chat shows hosted by robots, and cars with pollution monitors that will be disable them when they offend.
    (2012,英二,part c)however, 谷歌 and other big tech providers monitor their efficiency closely and make improvements.
track 英 [tr?k] 美 [tr?k]

    n.a rough road or path usually made by people walking there小道,小径
    n.marks left by people,animals or moving vehicles脚印,踪影,车辙
    n.a piece of ground with a special surface for people, cars,etc. to have races跑道,赛道
    n.rails that a train moves along铁轨,铁道
    n.a piece of music or song on a cd,record or tape(cd、唱片或磁带上的一首)歌曲
    v.find sb/sth by following the marks,signs,information left behind by them 跟踪,寻找
    v.follow one’s movements by special electronic device(以雷达、卫星等)寻找…的意向
    v.follow the progress or development of sb/sth跟踪(发展情况)
    v.leave dirty marks behind you as you walk留下(脏)脚印

词根 track

名词方法在 15世纪末,最早意义为“(footprint, mark left by anything) 轨迹 , 踪影”,源自古法语词trac
动词方法在16世纪60年代,最早意义为“(to follow or trace the footsteps of)寻找,跟踪”,源自track(n.),在 1838年有了”(leave a footprint trail in dirt, mud, etc.)留下脏脚印” 的意义。


    back on track 从头步入正确轨迹,恢复正常
    be on track /on the right track 稳步行进,做法仇人
    keep/lose track of sb/sth 晓得/不晓得…的动态,与…坚持/失掉联络
    make tracks 离去(尤指回家)
    stop/halt/freeze sb in one’s tracks (使因为惊骇或吃惊)俄然留步,(使)怔住
    have the inside track 占优势,处于有利方位;晓得行情
    track sb/sth down 查找到,寻找觅到,清查到


    adj.tracked 有履带的
    trackable 可寻找的;可跟踪(-able描述词后缀)
    trackless 无路的;无脚印的;不在轨迹上行进的(-less否定后缀)
    n.tracking 寻找,跟踪
    tracing 寻找;清查;描画;摹图;显迹
    tracker 拉纤者,纤夫;寻找体系,[自] 跟踪设备;寻找者


    artery, orbit, course, path, tack, route, round “道路,轨迹”
    hunt, explore, seek, pursue, trail “查找,寻找”


    v. 把(学生)按才能分班(或组)
    (eg.) tracking assigns some students to college prep and other to vocational programs.

(2005,英一,阅览part b)conceived in this way, comprehension will not follow exactly the same track for each reader.

concern 英 [k?n’s??n] 美 [k?n’s?n]

    n.a feeling of worry,especially one that is shared by many people(尤指许多人一起的)忧虑,担忧
    n.a desire to protect and help sb/sth 关怀,关怀
    n.something that is important to a person, an organization,etc(对人、组织)重要的作业
    n.a company or business公司,商业;公司
    n.sth that sb have a responsibility to be involved with(或人)担任的事,本分之事
    v.affect sb,to involve sb 影响,触及,牵涉(或人)
    v.be about sth与…有关,对…有影响
    v.take interest in sth关怀,重视
    v.worry sb使担忧,使心烦
    v.think it is important to do sth认为(做某事)重要

词根con- ,一起+ 词根-cern=sure/separate,标明“搞清,差异→一起搞理解,关怀


    动词方法在 15世纪前期,最早意义为“(refer to,related to ) 触及,与…有关”,源自古法语词concerner。在17世纪,有了“(worry)忧虑”的意义。


    be of concern/of no concern 重要的;具有意义/无关重要,没有意义
    concern about 对…标明忧虑/担忧;使(自个)关怀…
    concern oneself in 干与;从事(参加;从事参加);干与
    concern with 使关怀,顾虑
    concern over 对…的关怀/担忧
    ultimate concern 终极关怀
    with concern 关怀肠
    as concerns 关于;就…而论
    going concern 持续运营公司
    grave concern 严峻关怀
    show one’s concern for 对…标明关怀或担忧
    business concern 公司;商行
    express concern 表达重视
    cause concern 提起留心


    adj.concerned 关怀的,有关的(concern(联络到,关怀)+ed(…的)→关怀的,有关的)
    discernible 可以分辩的(discern(区分,区别)+ible(能…的)→可以分辩的)
    concernful 重要的
    adv. concernedly 忧虑肠;关怀大众事务地(-ly副词后缀)


    anxiety, interest, care, worry “关怀,忧虑”
    company, enterprise, firm, business “公司,公司”


    (2016,英一,text3)we estimate that either eliminating a substantial labour-rights concern,such as child labour, or increasing corporate giving by about 20% results in fines that generallyare 40% lower than the typical punishment for bribing foreign officials.
    (2011,英二,完型)some applaud the approach; others are concerned.
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it’sonly over the course of a whole yearthatall of their demand—that total amount—is being offset by the total amount of wind and solar.
1.这个语句是一个偏重句型—it is/ was + 被偏重有些(一般是主语、宾语或状语)+ that/ who(当偏重主语且主语指人)+ 其他有些。根据偏重句型的规划,咱们可以看出被偏重的有些是时刻状语,而这句话的真实主语是all of their demand,骨干规划是all of their demand is being offset,因为demand是不可以数名词,所以allof demand作主语,谓语动词要用奇数。
e.g. it is the children whobroke the window.
e.g. it wasin maythatyou can see this kind of flower.
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