
2023年 12月 14日 作者 gong2022 0



directions:write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. in your essay, you should
1) describe the drawing briefly,
2) explain its intended meaning, and
3) give your comments.




frugality is more than a slogan
in this picture, a man is busy preparing posters for a meeting. from the words he is writing, we can learn that this meeting is to be held to advocate frugality. but his action is completely against the slogan he is writing. dozens of pieces of paper is wasted to write the slogan of frugality.
frugality is more an action than a word. years ago, we were in urgent need of material things, so we had to make up for the materials in daily life through frugality. now we have stepped into a well-off society, and the standard of living has been greatly improved. however, the serious waste problem such as the leaky taps in the public washroom, the leftovers on the table and the paper waste in the office becomes a common phenomenon. the great development doesn’t mean it is the right time to waste things, for natural resources are limited. besides, in some remote areas there are lots of people still in need of food and clothes. so everyone should support the slogan of frugality. however, we do not need to say it every minute or to write it everywhere. it should be a belief, a duty and even a habit for us to bear in mind and turn into actions.
the better life we have, the more we should understand the importance of saving. let’s keep frugality in our mind and practice it in our deeds.




1. many people tend to order more food than they can eat to show their generosity and hospitality. therefore, plenty of food goes into the trash. 不少人会点过多的食物来显示他们的大方和好客。因此,大量食物被浪费掉了。
2. frugality is forever a good virtue. simple life and hard work is the tradition of china and it is also the secret of success for many great people in the world. 节俭永远都是美德。简朴的生活和辛勤的工作是中国的传统,也是世界上许多伟人的成功秘诀。


directions:write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. in your essay, you should
1) describe the drawing briefly,
2) explain its intended meaning, and
3) give your comments.




on the words in commercials
this cartoon depicts a not uncommon yet thought-provoking scene in which a boy, trying to pin down the accurate spelling of a chinese idiom, is puzzled by the two dissimilar versions presented by the television commercial and the idiom dictionary. in the commercial, the last two characters have been replaced by two homophones so as to distinguish itself from other commercials and grab audience’s a

undoubtedly, this cartoon arouses our deep concern over the issue of the intended misspelling in commercials, labels as well as brands. the commercial makers may argue that it is an innovative way for propaganda. yet the majority of people maintain that the arbitrary misspelling is a disrespect for chinese language and culture boasting a history of 5 000 years. what’s worse, it is quite easy for children of school age who just begin to accumulate their vocabulary to be misled by these incorrect spellings.
to arouse the general awareness of the importance of language integrity is the first step to solve the problem. secondly, a ban should be put on this kind of commercials or other misspellings appearing on such media as tvs, newspapers or magazines. language symbolizes culture, identifies nationality and fosters unity. therefore, only when the integrity of its language is kept can the nation’s image and dignity be safeguarded.




1. what the cartoon is trying to express is very conspicuous. 漫画要表达的内容十分明显。
2. whether a person forms a good habit of accurate spelling at his early age exerts a decisive influence upon his attitude toward spelling throughout his entire life. 一个人在小时候是否养成了良好的正确拼写的习惯对其今后一生能否正确对待书写起着决定性的作用。
3. therefore, it is prime time that we put emphasis on the issue of misspelling in commercials. 因此,是时候重视广告中错误书写的问题了。


directions:write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. in your essay, you should
1) describe the drawing briefly,
2) explain its intended meaning, and
3) give your comments.




be a self-taught talent
the college called the ivory tower is a place full of dream and hope, but climbing this tower is not an easy job, as there is only one ladder. what if one didn’t get the chance to touch the ladder? would he be deprived of the chance to realize his dream? we can see from the picture that in addition to the ladder, rope can also help the climber fulfill his dream.
college education is thought to be crucial in the path to success, so the famous universities with top teachers and research resources are more admired by applicants. though important, college education is not indispensable to success. i believe that one can also be well-learned outside the college. bill gates didn’t finish his education in harvard, but nobody would now judge him by his lack of college diploma. edison also told us that without the assistance of college, life itself can also become an advanced institution of learning. we can become professional through self-education.
i’m sure the college education is not the only way to success and most of the useful knowledge comes from the great source outside the college. the key to success lies in whether you want to improve yourself through continuous learning.


  人们认为大学教育是走向成功的重要因素,所以拥有优秀师资和研究资源的名牌大学更受申请者的青睐。尽管大学教育很重要,但并不意味着没有它就不能成功。我认为不上大学也能成为博学的人。比尔·盖茨不曾完成他在哈佛的学业,但是现在绝不会有人用没有大学文凭来评价他。爱迪生也告诉我们,就算没有大学的 助,生活自身也能成为一所学习的高等院校。我们可以通过自学成为专业的人才。


1. it is very important for us to educate ourselves in order to project a positive outlook today. 当今,通过自我学习来培养乐观的态度对我们是很重要的。
2. we should make full use of every opportunity to learn by ourselves throughout our lifetime and keep up with the times. 我们应该充分利用各种机会终生自我学习,跟上时代的脚步。
3. self-teaching will boost your unlimited potential. this naturalistic method is the backbone of gaining success in life. 自学可以发掘你无限的潜力,这种自然的学习方式是生活中获得成功的中坚力量。