
2023年 12月 13日 作者 gong2022 0

[2022.4.19]slavery ?/?sle?v?ri/n. 奴隶制<历年真题考查频次:12次>真题复现1:but recently, many historians have begun to focus on the roles slavery played in the lives of the founding generation. (2008年text

4 p2)真题翻译:但最近,许多历史学家开始关注奴隶制在开国元勋一代生活中所扮演的角色。真题复现2:more significantly, they argue that many of the founding fathers knew slavery was wrong – and yet most did little to fight it.(2008年text4 p2)真题翻译:更重要的是,他们认为,许多开国元勋都知道奴隶制是错误的,但大多数人都没有采取什么行动来反对它。真题复现3 :demonstrate the cruelty of slavery in his days.(2008年text4 36t选项)真题翻译:展示他那个时代奴隶制的残酷。