
2023年 12月 9日 作者 gong2022 0

原标题:考研英语阅览 | 《经济学人》读译参阅 day2061



考研英语阅览 | 《经济学人》读译参阅 day2059

考研英语阅览 | 《经济学人》读译参阅 day2060


text 2061



i mean, why, why is it that rosalind franklin wasn’t given credit for her contributions to the discovery of the structure of dna?i think it’s the same type of thing.we’ll be looking at the obstacles these women faced, but also their passion, their drive, their sheer perseverance.we’re revisiting the historical record one extraordinary scientist at a time.but i finally figured out, wait a second. there’s an alternative story here.join us as we honor these remarkable untold stories.lost women of science coming november 4th, wherever you get your podcasts.getting to these stories requires lots of digging.we at lost women of science go searching in archives, in museums, in hospitals, in people’s basements to piece these people’s lives back together after they’ve been neglected for many, many decades.our first season is about a pathologist named dorothy andersen, the first person to identify cystic fibrosis in a patient in the 1930s.


我的意思是,为啥,为啥罗莎琳德·富兰克林没有因为她对dna规划的发现而得到赞誉?我认为这是相同的作业。咱们将会看到这些女人所面临的妨碍,还有她们的热情,她们的动力,她们朴实的意志。咱们将从头审视前史记载,一次一位超卓的科学家。不过我总算想通了,等一下。这儿有另一个故事。参加咱们,让咱们向这些不为人知的特别故事致以敬意。《科学界不见的女人》将于11月4日开播,不管你在哪里收听播客。要晓得这些故事需要许多的发掘。咱们《科学界不见的女人》会去档案馆、博物馆、医院、我们的地下室寻找,在这些人被无视了几十年后,把他们的日子集合起来。咱们的第一季是关于一个名叫多萝西·安德森(dorothy andersen)的病理学家,她是20世纪30年代第一个发现囊性纤维化患者的人。


her work is the foundation for the treatments available for the disease today.in the lost women of science podcast, we break down the science and we try to figure out who these people were and what the world around them was like then.it’s like a science podcast meets a period piece meets a mystery.the more i do this research, the more i r

ealized that women were at the heart of some of the most important developments in science.a couple of examples: in the early 1900s, alice ball, a young black chemist came up with the most effective treatment for leprosy.and the work of katalin karikó, a hungarian biochemist, has been crucial to the development of the pfizer and moderna covid vaccine.please join us here at scientific american or wherever you get your podcasts.just look for lost women of science, and you’ll find us.


她的作业作用是今日医治这种疾病的基础。在《科学界不见的女人》播客中,咱们分析了科学,企图弄理解这些人是谁,以?瞧涫敝芪У氖澜缡巧蹲耸啤U饩拖窨蒲Рタ陀龅角笆啡宋镉龅矫仗庀嗤N易龅恼庀钛刑衷蕉啵揖驮街赖脚耸且恍┳钪匾目蒲Т蚩闹行摹>偌父霰确?20世纪初,年青的黑人化学家爱丽丝·鲍尔(alice ball)想出了医治麻风病的最有用办法。匈牙利生物化学家卡塔林·卡里科(katalin karikó)的工刁难辉瑞(pfizer)和现代新冠疫苗的开发至关重要。请在任何你可以翻开播客的当地收听《科学美国人》。去寻找《科学界不见的女人》,你就能找到咱们了。回来搜狐,查看更多
