
2023年 11月 15日 作者 gong2022 0


? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 每日一句rosenberg, the recipient of a pulitzer prize, offers a host of examples of the social cure in action: in south carolina, a state-sponsored antismoking program called ra

ge against the haze sets out to make cigarettes uncool. in south africa, an hiv-prevention initiative known as lovelife recruits young people to promote safe sex among their peers.


recipient [r??s?pi?nt]n. 容器,接受者;容纳者adj. 容易接受的;容纳的haze [he?z]n. 阴霾;薄雾;疑惑v. 使变朦胧;使变糊涂initiative [??n???t?v]n. 主动权;首创精神;新方案;倡议adj. 主动的;自发的;起始的结构分析

句子的主干是 rosenberg offers a host of examples of the social cure in action。the recipient of a pulitzer prize 是插入语,作主语 rosenberg 的同位语,冒号后面有并列分句:in south carolina, a state-sponsored antismoking program sets out to make cigarettes uncool. 和 in south africa, an hiv-prevention initiative recruits young people,其中过去分词结构 called rage against the haze 作后置定语修饰 program,过去分词结构 known as lovelife 作后置定语修饰 initiative, to promote… 是一个不定式作目的状语。参考译文
