
2023年 8月 14日 作者 gong2022 0

原标题:哈尔滨考研英语培训写作标准之聘请信常识 滨才教育培训

聘请信(letters ofinvitation) 跟着社会日子中的礼仪趋于简化,聘请信的格局也较为随意,有正式和非正式之分。不管哪种,其特征都是简练、热心,信的内容要阐明聘请的缘由、活动的地址和时刻。收到聘请信后,一般应当即答复,标明承受或谢绝,以示礼貌。承受聘请的信应包括以下内容:谢谢对方的聘请,开心肠承受对方的聘请,表达等待赴约的心境。谢绝聘请的信要写得理解,文字要宛转,应包括以下内容:先谢谢对方的聘请,并对不能应邀标明怅惘,然后简略阐明自个不能到会的缘由,最终标明期望今后有机缘晤面或对聘请人致以问好。

常用语句宣告聘请:we are wondering if you can dine with us on the coming friday. 咱们想晓得本周五你能否与咱们共进晚餐。 i have asked a few friends to come for a get-together on saturday,will you join us? 我已请了几位兄弟周六来聚餐,你能来参加吗? would you come round for a drink next saturday at about seven o’clock? 请你下周六晚7点支配来我家小酌一杯,不知是不是便利?

could you come and spend a week here sometime in july?we would love to have you. 你能否于7月来咱们这小住一周?咱们非常高兴和你在一同。 wouldyou anddavidbe able tojoin us for dinner at the peace hotel at sharp6 next tuesday? 请您与大卫于下周二晚6点整到平缓饭馆与咱们共进晚餐,不知可否? wouldyou care to come for a picnic with us next sunday?we could meet you at your house at 10:00 a.m.and then go off together. 你能来参加咱们下周日的野餐吗?咱们可以在上午10点到你家,然后一同 。

we are having a christmas partyfor a few friends at seven o’clock on monday,december 25th.we would be very pleased if you could come. 12月25日周一晚7点,咱们聘请一些兄弟参加圣诞晚会。假定你能来助兴,咱们将非常高兴。 回复聘请: 承受: 1)mr.and mrs.white thank mr.and mrs.harbon for their kind invitation to dinner on may 2nd,at peace hotel,which they have much pleasure in accepting. 怀特配偶谢谢哈本配偶聘请他们到会5月2日在平缓饭馆的晚宴,承蒙聘请,不堪侥幸。 2)it gives me much pleasure to accept your kind invitation to lunch on

september 10th at teacher,s club.i,ll be there at 11:30. 非常开心肠承受你的聘请———9月10日在“教师沙龙”共进午饭。我将于正午11点半抵达。 3)nothing would give us greater pleasure than to accept your kind invitation. 咱们以无比高兴的心境,承受你诚挚的聘请。 4)ms.robins has mu

ch pleasure in accepting the invitation to the dinner reception/buffet dinner/cocktail party to be held on the coming wednesday evening,but owing to an earlier engagement,will be a little late. 罗宾斯女士非常开心肠承受聘请,她将到会本周三晚上举办的晚餐款待会/冷餐会/鸡尾酒会。但因还有约会在前,将晚到顷刻。回来搜狐,查看更多
